Monday, April 28, 2008

Salbato Construction returns

It has been a awhile but we haven't been on vacation or anything. The weather did slow us down a bit and we have been waiting for a few materials but all-in-all we are still moving along. Melissa and her dad got the doors finished. My dad and I finished the lathe and we all got the "Pop-outs" ready to stucco.
The weather this weekend was ugly so we didn't start the stucco till today. We got going at about 11am with melissa's dad churning out bags for us. After we struggled to get the wall the way we wanted I called in the pros. Uncle George and Craig came to the rescue and jumped right in to help. They gave us some lessons and after some practice we will hopefully become pros ourselves.
Praise the Lord that the weather was perfect today. No wind and hot, but not too hot. Awesome. We got more than half of the first coat on today and with some luck it will be done tomorrow.
Next up is the finish coat. Maybe this weekend. If it doesn't snow that is.

Thank God for Family!!! Salbato construction lives on!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Still working

We've had a few delays, mostly thanks to the snow storm that moved through the area last week, but we are still making progress. The wire is about 80% done and we are getting ready to start putting the rock and stucco on.
Melissa's brother came down and amazed me with his knowledge of all things electrical. He gave us a big head start with the electrical and hopefully soon we can give the generator a rest.
Dad came by this afternoon and we finished the wire on the front. Melissa and her dad got the doors almost all the way up last week. It is nice to have it sealed in.
As for the house we are still making decisions. Pray that we can get a water tap from the city. We are planning to go to the meeting tomorrow night. We didn't think we would have a chance to get one but because of the wet winter they may open up a few.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Stucco it is!

It took us awhile to decide on what we wanted for an exterior look. I have always liked the look of stucco so I was pleased when we put the numbers together and decided we just couldn't beat the price/look of stucco. We still aren't certain of colors but we have a couple of days to decide that. For now we have started to put the paper and wire on the building. We also got the "Man-Door" installed. (I am sick of that term already) The garage doors came in at direct bye last week and are next on our to-do list.