We've been going non-stop for a few weeks now and are making a huge dent in my sheetrock pile. We've actually had to start bringing some in from the garage because we used everything that was in the house. Still a way to go but we've made a ton of progress.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Hard earned progress
Monday, June 22, 2009
Father's Day (a day late)
I had a great day yesterday. My girls had made me posters and a nice card. Mara also did some math pages from her book and added that to the gift. It was nice to spend some time with them at church.
After church it was back to work. We kept on with the drywall. The fourth is my goal to get it all put up. We are well on pace for that. Mom, Melissa and the girls (mostly Mom) spent the afternoon filling screw holes. It was another good work day.
Not sure what I would do without Dad. He keeps this project moving. He is a great example of what a dad should be and I hope to be as good of a dad as he is. Happy Father's Day Dad!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Progress (part 2)
The insulation is in the ceiling and the walls. We just need to seal the windows and it will be another step complete.
Mom and Dad were having fun with the machine that sprays the insulation.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
We had the first layer of insulation sprayed into the ceiling today. They will do the walls tomorrow and then it will be our turn to finish it off.
I think we are done cutting holes in the roof. The plumbing, the venting and now the chimney are all visible.
We still have quite a way to go with the drywall. We got the ceiling done and dad filled most of the screw holes today. Plenty of walls left though.
Finally, we had a deer wander by the other morning. He was eating right by the house when we first spotted him.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Fish and stuff
I took the day off from work again today and we made some good progress at the house. Dad and I hung around 15 more sheets today. That means we've put up around 37 of the 222 we ordered. The rest arrived today finally. It took us and Melissa's dad almost two hours to funnel 200 sheets into various places in the garage and house. Long day, I'm tired.
My cousin Lisa and her kids came by this afternoon. They met Melissa and the girls at the park to do some fishing. The kids caught a few fish and had a bunch of fun. I know Mara is a better fisherman than her dad. I never catch anything.
I have work and my PHP class in the morning and then it is back to Sheetrock. We have to get the entire ceiling done by Monday. Wayne is coming by on Saturday so we are saving the hard parts for him. We are getting closer!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Well, we have our fireplace. Both Melissa and I have fond memories of sitting in front of a warm fireplace on cold winter nights when we were growing up and we wanted our kids to have that same experience. Now they will have the chance. All That Is Energy came by and installed it today. It will look great when it has the rock and slate on it. We can't wait to light it up this winter.
We also got a bunch of drywall up, vents installed and some other stuff done. A good couple of days.I think we deserve a day off.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Drywall underway
We got going with the drywall this weekend. Mom, Dad, Uncle George and I got a few sheets up. We've been working the hardest part first. Other than over the stairs this is by far the hardest because of the vault and angles. It was a good start.The girls and Melissa brought us dinner. It is nice to eat in our house. Good times.
We also got the rock on the house done. We still have the pillars and a few other areas to finish but for now I think we will be inside getting ready for our fireplace (Tuesday) and insulation (Next Monday).
By the way, Mason Luke Salbato is in the lead of the name that boy challenge.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Baby Pictures
We went and got some good baby shots yesterday. He spent most of the time covering his face but we did get a few good looks. Still working on a name. Anybody with suggestions for a boy's name starting with "M" we would love to hear them. the top picks so far are: