Monday, September 1, 2008

Floor Work

We spent most of the weekend preparing the area but it was worth it as today we made some big strides. Woody, Dad and Uncle George came to help us start the floor system. We got quite a bit done and it is really square so far. I need to finalize our plans for the stairs and we have a few more joists to put up but I am hopeful that we will be working on walls by next week at this time.
Mara and Myka went to the parade and spent the rest of the day with their Nana. We are all going to sleep great tonight.
Back to work tomorrow! Melissa will be back in the classroom for the first time in about three years. She will be teaching music part time at Hoehne. It's about time she picked the right school. Pray for her and the girls as they aren't use to spending this much time apart.


Anonymous said...

Looks Great! I love the view in the background!

Anonymous said...

The farmers almanac says that colorado is supposed to get thirteen(13) inches of snow on Sept 7th!!! Just kidding,looks great!

Anonymous said...

anonymous is your uncle harv who has a heck of atime getting my comments to you! :) have a great day!